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Our Governors

The Governing Body of Stone Cross Primary School is made up of parents, staff and other people from the local community who work together to make the school a success.

The full Governing Body meet regularly, as a whole. There is also a Finance and Personel Committee which meets twice a year. This is chaired by Mr Steve Bowles. 

Governors are involved in:

  • Ensuring pupils make good progress and achieve their full potential
  • School Development Planning
  • Quality & Effectiveness of Teaching & Learning
  • The effectiveness of the curriculum
  • Health & Safety - premises, ensuring quality & safety of the teaching & learning environment
  • Finance - operation of LA financial regulations and monitoring how money is spent
  • Personnel - recruitment, professional development, accountability, well being
  • Community Cohesion - extended services and maintenance of well-being

Governors know the school well through regular visits, as well as through the Governing Body Meetings. The Chair and Clerk may be contacted via the school office.


The Chair of Governors is Catriona Matthews. 

She can be contacted via the school office (461002) or email: catrionamatthews@stonecross.e-sussex.sch.uk

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