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School Uniform

All children are expected to wear the correct school uniform. We want our children to look smart when at school and feel proud to wear their uniform.  

Our uniform policy is outlined below.   

We expect all our children to wear a school sweatshirt or cardigan carrying our school logo and a green PE T-shirt carrying our school logo. These must be purchased via ParentMail. All other items can be purchased from any High Street store or supermarket. However, we do sell optional items in school via ParentMail. These are: white polo shirt with the school logo, PE bag, knitted hat, reversible coat, baseball cap and a water bottle.       

  • Emerald green sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
  • White polo shirt or shirt
  • Grey or black trousers, skirt or short trousers
  • Green and white checked/ striped dresses may be worn in the summer.
  • Sensible black school shoes (not trainers)
  • White, grey or black socks/tights

 P.E – we ask that PE kits are kept in named bags

  • Green T-shirt with the school logo
  • Black shorts
  • Change of socks - children are required to change their socks for PE
  • Trainers - we advise Velcro trainers for younger children who struggle to tie laces
  • Jogging/track suit bottoms and sweatshirt, if required, for cold weather

Other items

  • A coat appropriate for the time of year
  • A water bottle
  • A sunhat in the summer
  • A school bookbag with the school logo (These are provided for the children when they start in Foundation Stage but spares can be purchased via the ParentMail shop.)



The wearing of jewellery, other than earrings, is not permitted in school for safety reasons. Earrings should be small, plain studs or sleepers only, one maximum per ear. Earrings must be removed or taped for PE lessons.


Bleached or dyed hair, Mohican-styles, tram lines, other shaved patterns including a high shave with distinct line are not appropriate for school.  Long hair must be tied up for PE.  Hair bands and other adornments should be small and discreetly coloured.

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